Zebra Printing SOFTBOT® Connector

Outbound API


Inbound API



The Zebra Printing Connector will make a TCP client connection to the Zebra printer on a port. This port is set up for receiving data on the Zebra Printer. The connector will submit payloads to the Zebra printer over TCP. The SOFTBOT Connector will receive execution status, success or failure, and communicate that status to the SOFTBOT Platform for further processing, logging, visualization or communication to other edge or host technologies. The supported functionality enables any type of printing that is applicable to the connected Zebra printer: shipping labels, packing slips, etc.

Products Supported

Zebra Print DNA printers

Use Cases - Ready to deploy


  • Enables a technology to perform picking for order fulfillment.


  • Enables a technology to pack orders to prepare for outbound shipment.


  • Enables technology that assists in shipping, such as rate-shopping, labelling, loading, or tracking.
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